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DevToxBackground: 10th Berlin DevTox workshop

Presentations given at the workshop, held February 19th-20th, 2020 (see also BfR Academy):

Key note lecture: 10th Berlin-Workshop on Developmental Toxicology
Roland Solecki, BfR [size: 3.30 MB]

Key note lecture: where we were and where we are now
Konstanze Grote and Ibrahim Chahoud, Charité Berlin [size: 848 kB]

Key note lecture: 25 years DevTox Workshops: historic background, scientific and technical improvements
Rupert Kellner, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM), Hannover [size: 2.72 MB]

Follow up activities of the Berlin Workshop with the JTS and ETS
Jochen Buschmann, Independent Consultant, Hannover [size: 36 kB]

New Pictures in the DevTox Database
Weihua Li, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, Shanghai, China [size: 2.61 MB]

Japanese proposal for update of definitions and re-categorization of grey zone anomalies
Michio Fujiwara, Astellas Pharma Inc., Tokyo, Japan [size: 734 kB]

View of a developmental toxicologist from the EU
Alberto Mantovani, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy [size: 172 kB]

Berlin Workshop view on a new survey for recategorisation of grey zone anomalies
Francisco Paumgartten, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [size: 1.99 MB]

OECD framework for a DNT testing Battery and Case studies
Magda Sachana, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France [size: 2.73 MB]

Linking test systems to the prediction of DNT
Marcel Leist, Universität Konstanz [size: 4.26 MB]

Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs)-driven evaluation of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) induced by mixture of environmental chemicals
Anna Bal-Price, European Commission [size: 4.82 MB]

Research on the mechanism of thoracolumbar supernumerary rib by use of computed tomography (CT)
Makiko Kuwagata, National Institute of Health Sciences, Kawasaki, Japan [size: 1.30 MB]

 Last update: 12-Mar-2020 | Contact: DevTox@bfr.bund.de Top of page